Resistance Democrats Cheer Nancy Pelosi After Viral Photo Surfaces Of Her Sitting Quietly And Deferring To Room Of Corporate Lobbyists

WASHINGTON—Erupting in praise after the House Speaker set the image as her Twitter account’s header photo, resistance Democrats cheered Nancy Pelosi online Thursday after a viral moment emerged of her sitting quietly and deferring to a roomful of corporate lobbyists. “You get that bread, bitch!” said Twitter user elaine4progress, one of thousands of anti-Trump accounts that immediately responded with an outpouring of retweets and “Make it rain!” comments to applaud the House Speaker’s commitment to reassuring business leaders from Goldman Sachs and Berkshire Group that their concerns were being heard. “Hell yes, succumb to corporate pressure, queen! The Democratic war chest is bae.” At press time, the hashtags #GirlBoss and #FillThoseCoffers were trending on social media after Pelosi uploaded a photo of the $10,000 check she had received from corporate bundlers.