Realtor Emphasizing Neighborhood’s Proximity To Much Nicer Neighborhood

CHICAGO—Expending an inordinate proportion of her resources to detail the bustling shops, quaint cafes, and highly rated schools located merely a mile or two away, realtor Susan Horne reportedly spent most of her showing with local couple Tim and Holly Penn Wednesday emphasizing how close their prospective new town house was to a much nicer neighborhood. “There’s a stretch with some really amazing restaurants and wine bars just a few blocks away—maybe a 30-minute walk and you’re right there,” said Horne before launching into a glowing description of a public park located just a short bus ride away. “It’s surprisingly convenient. You’re basically just on the outskirts of the area where that neighborhood is expanding anyway, so in a decade or so, you’ll be even closer. It’s a really great area, lots of shops, lots of stuff happening, but still quiet and laid-back, and you’re just a 10-minute drive from a wonderful community. You’re going to love going there when you live here.” Horne also noted that the Penns’ potential home was actually within a five-mile radius of several far, far nicer neighborhoods.