New Evidence Shows Martin Luther King Never Called Malcolm X A Butterface

CHICAGO—In a bombshell report that revealed that Playboy Magazine had falsified several famous quotes from the civil rights leader in 1965, new evidence revealed Tuesday that Martin Luther King Jr. never called Malcom X a “butterface.” “While it’s widely perceived that there was a deep rift between the two, not once did Martin Luther King say that brother Malcom had an ass that would make him hit it but a face that would make him quit it,” said scholar Jonathan Edwell, who added that while it was common practice at the time for interviewers to make slight changes while transcribing to print, altering every word of King’s quote to describe his counterpart as a “knock-kneed, slew-footed bitch” and a “dollar store Barbie that melted in the car” clearly crossed a line. “For decades, the public believed that King emphatically told reporters that he ‘wouldn’t fuck Malcolm X with Marcus Garvey’s dick.’ And that’s patently untrue. The reality is, Martin Luther King Jr. would have more than likely smashed that. And he wouldn’t have had to put a bag over his head to do so.” At press time, Edwell lamented that the misprint likely led to radicals ultimately assassinating Malcom X soon after for being such a busted ho.