
New Blood Test Could Diagnose Alzheimer’s In Dementia Patients

Scientists say a newly developed blood test can accurately diagnose whether a patient has Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia, allowing doctors to provide better treatments and prognoses and opening the door for researchers to one day develop a test for people who are not showing symptoms. What do you think?

Shawn Ewing • Cryptoherpetologist

“I spent a long t

Shawn Ewing • Cryptoherpetologist

Gillian Farthing • Rug Roller

“I’m for whatever results in sticking confused people with needles.”

Gillian Farthing • Rug Roller

Rob Bakeman • Carrot Peeler

“No thanks, I plan on fighting dementia on my own like a real man.”

Rob Bakeman • Carrot Peeler