
Life After Saddam

With war imminent, President Bush and others are already discussing plans for a post-Saddam, U.S.-occupied Iraq. What do you think?

Andrea Crim • Teacher

“I’m sure there are plenty of ambitious young despots out there who would jump at the chance to rule Iraq.”

Andrea Crim • Teacher

Bruce Wollensky • Attorney

“I just hope we don’t see a repeat of that mess we made a few years back when we tried to install an American ruler in America.”

Bruce Wollensky • Attorney

Martin Baines • Systems Analyst

“Can’t we just get CNN to run the place?”

Martin Baines • Systems Analyst

Meredith Hall • Psychologist

“Whatever happens, someone should be there to film the most touching moments.”

Meredith Hall • Psychologist

Ken Franklin • Bus Driver

“We should ask ourselves what we would want if Iraq was occupying the U.S.”

Ken Franklin • Bus Driver

Dennis Doering • Landscaper

“Oh, man, we’re not gonna make Iraq the 51st state, are we?”

Dennis Doering • Landscaper