
How Refugees Are Admitted Into The U.S.

The United States’ effort to accept Syrian refugees seeking asylum has been the subject of much controversy over security concerns and the rigor of the vetting process. Here are the steps involved in a refugee’s arrival in America:

Step 1: Filled-out refugee application materials thrown onto large, unorganized pile of folders on desk at United States immigration headquarters

Step 2: Applicants shown pictures of various U.S. landmarks and asked how violent they make them feel

Step 3: Nonrefundable $45 credit check fee

Step 4: Find safe place to wait out gunfire for next two years while application is processed

Step 5: Tracking chips inserted into refugees’ forearms

Step 6: Cry softly

Step 7: Often regarded as the most arduous step of the process, refugees must successfully elicit some level of sympathy from the American populace

Step 8: Age another year

Step 9: Legally accepted refugees inserted onto list to receive government benefits, directly ahead of all of nation’s veterans

Step 10: Accept grim but very real possibility of life in Billings, MT

Step 11: Refugees given list of mosques under government watch they are allowed to attend

Step 12: Enjoy full rights and privileges of something called “Adjust Status”

Step 13: Fully assimilate by denying sanctuary to future waves of refugees from another part of the world