
Florida Ends Bear Hunting Season After 2 Days

Florida officials have announced the end of the 2015 bear hunting season, a hotly debated event that was initiated to curb Florida’s growing black bear population but lasted only two days before the official limit of 320 harvested bears was reached and regional quotas were surpassed. What do you think?

Aaron Weibler • Medical Librarian

“And with a little more effort next year, there’s no reason they can’t get that down to one day.”

Aaron Weibler • Medical Librarian

Jackie Parr • Debate Coach

“Hopefully they gave the unsuccessful hunters a consolation prize to kill.”

Jackie Parr • Debate Coach

Anthony Trumbull • Tech Philosopher

“I’m still going to keep this thing lashed to the hood of my car for a few more days.”

Anthony Trumbull • Tech Philosopher