Clinton: Part 2

As America stands on the brink of the second half of the Bill Clinton Era, what are your thoughts?

“Now that Clinton has been re-elected, we as a nation will get to find out if Chelsea blossoms into a beautiful piece of ass.”

Ned Branforth • Accountant

“Under Clinton’s leadership, I hope to advance to the soft-serve machine.”

Wally Givens • Chemical Engineer

“Whatever happens in the next four years, it can’t possibly be worse than it was under that clown Clinton.”

Alyson Blum • Oboe Player

“Now that Clinton is in the White House, I look forward to four years of health care reform, gays in the military and, at last, renewed racial harmony. Go Clinton!”

Eileen Putnam • Systems Analyst

“You never know what tomorrow will bring, so you just have to put on a smile, keep your chin to the wind and hide your heroin in a balloon in your butthole.”

Ed Vallely • Environmentalist

“I only hope that Clinton remembers the children.”

Jorge Bellson • Groundskeeper