
CDC Announces Everyone Who Will Receive Vaccine Has Already Been Notified

WASHINGTON—Thanking the many Americans who showed interest in getting inoculated against Covid-19, the CDC announced Thursday that everyone who will receive the vaccine has already been notified. “If you have not received an official phone call or letter by now with the date and time of your vaccination appointment, you can assume that you will not be getting one,” said CDC director Robert Redfield, noting that the application deadline for Americans requesting to be vaccinated against the deadly disease rampaging across the country had passed and all doses of the vaccine had been claimed. “You are more than welcome to join the wait-list in case a vial opens up, but I’ll be honest with you: That’s not very likely. There is hope that we could have another batch of the vaccine by 2024; however, those future recipients have already been notified as well.” Redfield strongly advised anyone who was not currently scheduled to be injected with the life-saving vaccine to shelter in place indefinitely.