
YouTuber Admits To Intentionally Crashing Plane For Views

Trevor Jacob, a 29-year-old YouTuber, pled guilty to a federal charge after he destroyed the wreckage of a plane he intentionally crashed to gain views, admitting to authorities that he planned to crash the plane in a video he made to promote a wallet. What do you think?

Robby Quirk, Wardrobe Carver

“Before you pass judgment, think about what you would do in the impossible situation of needing to promote a wallet.”

Robby Quirk, Wardrobe Carver

Brandon Lundy, Systems Analyst

“I’ll watch it, but I’m not gonna subscribe if there aren’t casualties.”

Brandon Lundy, Systems Analyst

Nikoletta Cohen, Unemployed

“It’s sad that today’s generation can’t just crash a plane for their own enjoyment.”

Nikoletta Cohen, Unemployed