
Doctors Stumped By Man's 'Do Not Resuscitate' Tattoo

Physicians at a Florida hospital engaged in a tense ethical debate after an unconscious 70-year-old arrived with the words “Do Not Resuscitate” tattooed across his chest, initially choosing to ignore it before eventually let the man die. What do you think?

Victor Landler • Umlaut Applier

“This is why you always get a lawyer and a notary to tattoo their signatures under it.”

Victor Landler • Umlaut Applier

Peter Hull • Systems Analyst

“At least they can rest comfortably now knowing they probably made the right choice.”

Peter Hull • Systems Analyst

Lisa Wells • Shadow PTA President

“Good to know that my ‘Never let me die’ tattoo will be abided by.”

Lisa Wells • Shadow PTA President