
Facebook Lets User Choose Who Controls Their Account After Death

Facebook has announced that rather than “memorialize” the accounts of Facebook users who die, which doesn’t allow others to edit or manage the page, the social network will now permit users to designate a “legacy contact” who will have the ability to change aspects of the deceased’s profile. What do you think?

Joshua Groh • Deckhand

“It’s nice knowing that when I’m gone, part of me will continue being mined for advertising data.”

Joshua Groh • Deckhand

Julia Freeman • Lump Inspector

“Smart companies like Facebook know you shouldn’t ignore any demographic, no matter how dead.”

Julia Freeman • Lump Inspector

Gilbert McNemar • Rattan Worker

“I’m not sure who I can trust with the solemn task of rejecting Bubble Witch Saga game requests.”

Gilbert McNemar • Rattan Worker