
Speeding Up Iraqi Self-Rule

The Bush Administration announced that it hopes to speed up the transition to self-government in Iraq. What do you think?

Charlie Falk • Security Guard

“Jesus, just leave the country, already. Someone else will come in and take it over.”

Charlie Falk • Security Guard

Christine Winn • Receptionist

“This is simply the natural evolution of our policy from Iraquisition to Iraqupation, to Iraqunification.”

Christine Winn • Receptionist

Diana Conley • Receptionist

“Iraq has a history of instability and will require strong leadership in the postwar era. Hey! Is Saddam still alive?”

Diana Conley • Receptionist

Rodney Dunson • Warlord


Rodney Dunson • Warlord

Robert Swenson • Systems Analyst

“It makes sense for Bush to pull out. If his own father had exercised the judgment to pull out, the U.S. wouldn’t have been there in the first place.”

Robert Swenson • Systems Analyst

Jeff Rondeau • Materials Engineer

“I’m just hoping Bush gets our boys home before election time.”

Jeff Rondeau • Materials Engineer