Biden Campaign Gets Kamala Harris Quickly Up To Speed On Candidate’s Plans For Presidential Funeral Service

WASHINGTON—Filling in the new vice-presidential pick on all of the arrangements that will need to be made ahead of the ceremony, the Joe Biden presidential campaign reportedly got Kamala Harris quickly up to speed Wednesday on the candidate’s plans for his presidential funeral service. “So, I want to do a viewing in the Capitol building obviously, and then after that, I want to be taken to Delaware for my burial following a livestream service at St. Joseph’s,” said Biden to the California senator, explaining what type of casket exterior finish he wanted as one of his aides handed her a folder containing information about the catering and floral arrangements, as well as the eulogy bullet points. “Here are the Bible verses I want to have read, along with a seating chart. We’re still hashing out the list of speakers, but we’ll definitely have you, Barack, and Jill offer remarks, and then we’ll end the ceremony with the orchestra playing ‘Danny Boy.’” At press time, Harris was accompanying Biden as he scoped out potential burial sites in Wilmington.

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