
Your Horoscope

The coming week will feature ball lighting, skin lesions, and a runaway gasoline truck. Then things will get ugly.

Wrinkles are usually a sign of aging, but in your case they just mean you should get out of the tub.

Your tryst with a married woman will come to an end this week when she finally asks you for a divorce.

Everything will go according to plan, except for the injured hostages, the brief shoot-out with police, and the fact that you were just trying to make toast.

The stars indicate that you’re a lean, mean sex machine. Also, the stars indicate that you only take quarters.

True happiness will continue to elude you in the days to—wait, there it is! There, behind the couch!

Having a child is one of the most thrilling experiences a woman can have, but you’ll give it all up for the rush of riding your town’s new rollercoaster.

Your life will have a fairy tale ending. Unfortunately for you, it’s the one with the three bears returning home.

A freak explosion aboard a Florida fishing boat leaves you with the proportional strength and speed of a red-bellied trout.

Avoid confrontation at work today. Sneak up behind your boss and slowly strangle him to death.

Aquarius would love nothing more than to predict your future, but its old lady just got back from the C-Town, and man, that shit smells good.

You will accidentally jump to your death this week, thanks to a rather low ceiling fan.