
Your Horoscope

You will once again be left feeling hurt and taken advantage of when a stranger you meet at a bar fails to call after a 21-night stand.

You’ve always claimed to keep a rifle in the house in case a bear ever broke in, but many will still be shocked by what happens when a hirsute and heavyset homosexual mistakenly wanders into your home.

Years of backbreaking work and personal sacrifice will finally pay off when your sales manager, walking hurriedly down the hallway, nods faintly in your general direction this week.

While often upsetting and painful, you can’t help but feel your family’s never-ending cycle of violence to be quite cathartic the rest of the time.

Circumstances this week will force you to sheepishly admit that you’ve been lying all along about giving out the best hugs.

Creative inspiration will strike you when you least expect it, which could pretty much be anytime between now and March of next year.

As exciting as a fight to the death may sound, you’ll be sadly disappointed by the short-lived contest between two infirm centenarians this week.

Thanks to its prevailing visual conventions, you’ll have no trouble distinguishing the good guys from the bad guys in your city’s upcoming race war.

Your use of sports metaphors will confuse dozens after an attempt to recount the “blow-out” contest between the “frontrunner” and “odds-on favorite” New York Yankees and “bottom-of-the-National League Central-division” Pittsburgh Pirates this week.

The mood in the room will be all but ruined the moment your partner decides to steer pillow talk toward payment.

While you’ll incur the contempt of hundreds for killing a man at point-blank range, you would’ve likely earned the disdain of thousands more had you missed him from so close.

Rigid standards set by inspectors at the stuck-up Food And Health Board will result in the closing of one of your favorite neighborhood seafood restaurants.