
Your Horoscope

You’ve always prided yourself on being able to both “talk the talk” and “walk the walk,” but, sadly, a debilitating stroke will soon leave you unable to do either.

You will learn the hard way this week that, while rescue workers can take your boy out of the Mississippi River, they can’t take the Mississippi River out of your boy.

At this rate, weekly psychiatric sessions will help to cure you of your single-minded materialistic worldview in no time.

To commemorate 20 years of being happily separated, you and your ex-husband will decide to renew your divorce vows this week.

Endless complaints that your talents are being wasted at work will finally pay off when management decides to promote you to the new position of “Head Whiner.”

After 86 years spent dreading the moment it would occur, your lengthy past will catch up with you this week.

The stars take great offense at your offhand dismissal of their predictions as “a whole lot of hot air,” since they are by definition large celestial bodies composed of masses of gas in which the energy generated by internal nuclear reactions is balanced by the release of heat.

It is unwise to judge a book by its cover, especially if the cover contains an enthusiastic blurb from the

Your ideological resistance to purchasing anything produced at overseas sweatshops will greatly complicate an otherwise straightforward purchase of three Indonesian children on the black market.

While it’s easy to get overwhelmed, just remember: The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single plane-ticket reservation.

To no avail, you will once again pray exactly 223 times for God to heal you of your lifelong obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Several dozen blemishes on your permanent record will prevent you from getting into the maximum-security prison of your choice next week.