
Your Horoscope

To be Number One, you must be willing to make sacrifices. Do not, however, deny yourself the taste of fresh creamery butter.

You will begin the week feeling tired and “run down,” but a delicious glass of grade-A milk will soon set you right as rain.

Begin your life-long quest for truth this week by fighting against this century’s greatest lie: the myth of lactose intolerance.

This is an important time of spiritual growth for you. Banish all symbols from your life except for the Real Dairy seal.

Nothing dresses up that slimming diet meal like a peach slice on a snow-white bed of cottage cheese.

Just as there are four points on the compass and four chambers in the human heart, there are four food groups—and dairy is the only one you can drink.

Be sure to wash down all desserts, from cookies to cake, with an ice-cold glass of milk.

You will soon take an exciting trip around the world and drink the milk of many an exotic creature.

Ease the horrible repetition of your dead-end delivery job by thinking about delicious dairy products.

It’s no coincidence that they call it “the milk of human kindness.”

I always wanted to be a milkman— it’s the family business!

In Heaven, when you die, there will surely be plenty of milk.