Yoga Teacher Puts Hand On Small Of Student’s Back, But In Parking Lot

HARTFORD, CT—Telling her to close her eyes and turn inward as he gently guided her positioning, local yoga teacher Vincent Diaz reportedly placed his hand on the small of student Ellie Cruz’s back Thursday, but in the parking lot. “It’s okay to get a little tense, but don’t resist too much because that’s how you hurt yourself,” said the instructor who gently whispered to Cruz as he gripped her thighs just 10 yards from the strip mall’s nail salon. “Just lose yourself in your heavy breathing, focus on that and just let what needs to happen, happen. It’s okay to sweat, it just shows that it’s working. You’re a natural, Ellie, but you really should be doing this more regularly so you get more comfortable. It gets better with experience.” At press time, Cruz received a request for $150 from her yoga teacher for providing a private lesson.