
WTO May Accept Russia

If negotiations go smoothly, Russia may be invited to join the World Trade Organization in 2006. What do you think?

Joy Hess • Systems Analyst

“It’s amazing that, with an economy that large, Russia isn’t already in the WTO. Is it because they only import stolen cars and export mail-order brides?”

Joy Hess • Systems Analyst

Clinton Chan • Clerk

“After all the bullshit they put James Bond through, those Russians have a lot of nerve expecting us to become their trade allies.”

Clinton Chan • Clerk

Ken Dorsey • Logger

“Does this mean cheaper vodka? Because, honestly, that’s the last thing I need.”

Ken Dorsey • Logger

Joe Roach • Editor

“I’m starting my own Joe’s Trade Organization, and it would be a real feather in my cap to snag Russia first.”

Joe Roach • Editor

Neil Hood • Police Chief

“Allowing a country like Russia to join the organization would make a mockery of whatever it is the WTO stands for.”

Neil Hood • Police Chief

Allison Church • Midwife

“Why is this an issue? Evil Communist Russians have been a part of the WWE since the ’80s.”

Allison Church • Midwife