W's First Hundred Days

On Monday, George W. Bush reached the 100-day mark of his presidency. What do you think of the job he’s done so far?

“So much has happened these past 100 days. Let’s see, there was the Clinton-pardon thing, the Clinton-furniture thing, the Clinton-in-Harlem thing…”

Alan Choudhury • Electrician

“Has it been 100 days already? Wow, it seems like only yesterday that Bush cut off funding for overseas abortion providers.”

Danielle Ormond • Art Dealer

“Oh, Christ. I’m supposed to have an opinion on Bush’s first 100 days? Geez, I dunno, what all did he do?”

Pete Terrell • Cab Driver

“Since Gore really won the election, I’ve only been following what he’s been doing these past 100 days. It hasn’t been much.”

Rodger LaPierre • Systems Analyst

“Well, he did lower drinking-water standards, revive hostilities with China, and endanger the budget surplus, so I guess that’s all good.”

Mary Ellen Bolz • Guidance Counselor

“Sixty-three percent of the American people approve of the job Bush is doing. Then again, 98 percent of the American people are fucking morons.”

Rick Dandridge • Chemical Engineer