Woman Leaving Meeting Worried She Came Off As Too Competent

OXNARD, CA—Silently chastising herself for the way she behaved in front of her colleagues and supervisors, Cobalt Property Insurance sales associate Leah Manning, 36, was reportedly deeply worried Tuesday that she came off as too competent during the company’s weekly sales meeting. “Oh God, I never should have corrected [department manager] Bill [Tomlinson]’s mistake on the Q2 figures—what was I thinking?” Manning reportedly said to herself, wincing as she remembered looking directly at one of her male coworkers and confidently stating her suggestion for generating more customer leads. “And I just listed off the status of our accounts with our major clients without hesitating or second-guessing myself even once. Jeez, I think they might have been able to tell that I had a thorough handle on all parts of my job. What a disaster. I hope no one felt uncomfortable.” Manning was reportedly able to console herself later upon recalling how no one had been paying any attention at all each time she spoke.