Why We Hate LeBron

No one denies that LeBron James is a phenomenal young talent who has turned in some almost supernaturally good performances, but he’s still generally unloved by fans. Here’s why:

Skills second only to Kobe, touch second only to Bird, vision second only to Magic, and strength second only to Russell; therefore, pretty much a worthless second-rater

Was supposed to be the next Jordan, but chose friendship over a monomaniacal obsession with winning bordering on mental illness

Does this really annoying thing where he isn’t always playing on Team USA and is instead playing for the Heat so then you have to root against him

Significant percentage of sports fans are jealous of his high school diploma

Abandoned and gave up on Cleveland, albeit decades after the rest of us did

Makes us feel guilty for never doing anything to make Cleveland better ourselves

Dunked over the pope at last year’s St. Peter’s Basketbasilica Jamfest, even though the game was already out of hand

Televising The Decision repelled and frightened the American public, most of whom have spent their whole lives trying to avoid making decisions

Basically, it’s easier not to really think about it