Who Is Sonia Sotomayor?

Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals judge Sonia Sotomayor was nominated last week to replace Justice David Souter on the Supreme Court. How much do we know about this New York judge? Here’s some biographical information:

Never forgot her impoverished roots and made her own robes for 10 years

Occasionally appears in court as her dark alter ego, Judge Saskia Sorrowmaker

Wears an Ace bandage on her left arm due to an old gavel-pounding injury

Feels that mini tacos are degrading, not in any racial sense, but from a taco-lover’s perspective

Completely embarrassed herself one time by confusing the Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article IV with the Privileges or Immunities Clause of Amendment XIV

Led the Circuit Court League in overrulings from 1996 to 1999

Rolls her R’s in “overruled” in the most delightfully saucy way

Avoided formulating an opinion about Roe v. Wade on the off chance that she would be nominated for the Supreme Court