Who Is Mike Pence?

Indiana governor Mike Pence will reportedly be Donald Trump’s running mate on the Republican ticket in the 2016 presidential election. Here’s what you need to know about Pence:

Current Residence: Real America

Little-Known Fact: All

Strengths: White, red-faced

Weaknesses: Overt prejudices against homosexuals, Syrian refugees, immigrants, welfare recipients, and abortion patients doesn’t bring anything particularly new to Trump campaign

Occupation: Former, future talk radio host

Inspirational Background Story: Somehow overcame growing nationwide biases against white, heterosexual, Christian men to become governor of Indiana

Level Of Social Conservative: Extra staunchy

Views On LGBT Rights: Believes gay couples are entitled to the same respect as perverted, deviant straight couples

Accomplishments As Governor: Shifted Indiana from oft-overlooked state to lightning rod for condemnation

Gubernatorial Campaign Motto: Leviticus 20:13

Favorite Sexual Position: Non-penetrative

Title Of Future Autobiography: Running For Dear Life: My Hellish Four Months Inside Trump’s Fractured Mirror-World