
White House Removes Emojis From Millennials Report

The White House quietly removed emojis from a new report called “15 Economic Facts About Millennials,” which used icons of graduation caps, bags of money, and American flags to address college debt, after numerous news outlets reported that young people were insulted. What do you think?

John Pappalardo • Hotel Vacancy Expert

“It’s well known the youth of today like hard data in their government reports and plenty of it.”

John Pappalardo • Hotel Vacancy Expert

Bethany Koerper • Sticker Applier

“Millennials simply will not stand for being pandered to by anyone that is not an advertiser, listicle site, or major entertainment corporation.”

Bethany Koerper • Sticker Applier

Ben Myles • Brand Ambassador

“This is the least of the ways Obama has let millennials down.”

Ben Myles • Brand Ambassador