
White Coworkers Astonished That Black Woman’s Hair Could Miraculously Grow So Long Over Weekend

CHICAGO—Taken aback at what appeared to be an impossibly abrupt change in hairstyle, coworkers of local Black woman LeeAnn Hinsdale voiced astonishment Monday that her hair could grow so long over the weekend, describing the phenomenon as nothing short of a miracle. “Wow, it seemed like it was so short on Friday, but now, my God—it’s all the way down to your back!” said Dan Budkey, 56, who works with Hinsdale at Bridgemeyer Marketing Services and expressed sheer befuddlement that someone’s hair could apparently grow by a foot or more in a matter of days. “That’s incredible. What kind of shampoo do you use? It would take me months to grow mine out that much!” At press time, all of the woman’s coworkers reportedly began asking if they could touch her hair.