White Conservative Parents Sit Children Down For Tough Conversation About Seeing Black Character In Movie

NORFOLK, VA—Gathering their children for what they described as a difficult but important discussion that every family like theirs must have, local white conservative parents Brian and Marie Fortner sat their son and daughter down for a tough conversation about seeing a Black character in a movie. “One day you might be watching something you think is an innocent, family-friendly movie, and then suddenly you’ll see a princess or a brave hero whose skin is not the same color as yours,” said Brian Fortner, explaining to the couple’s 10- and 13-year-old children that he wished he didn’t have to have this conversation with them at such a young age. “America is a complicated place, and unfortunately, this is something that happens in our country on a regular basis. Though Black people are usually still relegated to supporting roles, sometimes they are given parts that could just have easily been given to a white person. It’s awful, but it happens. And while we’ll do everything we can to protect you, we need you to be prepared for that moment when a Black man appears on the screen and he isn’t just there for comic relief.” When the talk was over, the conservative parents reportedly decided their children were not yet ready to learn that the Jewish-controlled media was part of a widespread conspiracy to replace white Christians with people of color and bring about the extinction of the white race.