
When Will These Senseless Gun Debates Come To An End?

We live in a great country. Between our democratic values, constitutional freedoms, and rich traditions, Americans enjoy immense privileges and benefits that allow us to enjoy the highest standard of living in the world. But, my friends, there is one area where I would like to say “Enough is enough.” For all our pride and progressivism, America still has a well-documented history of gun debates spanning back centuries—shocking and horrific debates that, despite our best efforts, show no signs of abating.

So, as a concerned American living in the 21st century, I must ask: What will it take for these senseless gun debates to end?

The answer is not a simple one. Sadly, the United States is a culture in which gun debates are deeply embedded and ingrained, with American children witnessing thousands and thousands of discussions on gun control and regulation by the time they are grown. For countless numbers of youths, these discourses on proper policing of handguns and rifles have become simply a fact of life. Why, it seems like everytime I turn on the television I see that some crazed reformer in Washington has unleashed yet another horrific gun debate, presenting their legislative arguments to dozens of colleagues.

It’s truly tragic.

Nearly every incident is the same: some progressive madman, having convinced himself that gun debates are the solution to some problem or another—God only knows what—devises a plan to present a meticulously researched plan on gun reform to a group of innocent citizens or pro-gun advocates, often at a large party, town hall, or congressional hearing. When the time comes, he lays out his arguments as comprehensively and coherently as possible and to as many audience members as he can. God, just talking about it now makes my blood run cold.

What we need to do now is come together as a nation and agree on a plan to prevent these civil discussions from ever happening again. Personally, I believe the mental health of the legislators involved needs to be assessed. I also believe we need to make it harder for Congress to have access to gun debate platforms in the first place. After all, if we keep allowing the average member of Congress off the street to freely legislate in our nation’s capitol then these harrowing, senseless debates on gun control will continue to happen and we will be powerless to stop them.

How many more gun control debates do we need to stand by and idly witness in horror before we put a stop to them altogether?

I, for one, am confident that by working together, one step at a time, we can eliminate gun debates in America entirely. Yes, you heard me right. Now it may take some time before we are able to ban discussions altogether; after all, the right to discuss reform is in our constitution, whether we like it not. But by taking small actions every day, like pushing hard in Congress and cracking down on reformers now, I’m confident we can create a nation where every man, woman, and child can live without fear of gun reform.

Please help me in this fight. The lives of our existing gun laws are too precious not to.

Sample front page of The Onion's DNC paper