What To Know About MDMA Therapy

Supporters of MDMA therapy say the treatment eases the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, producing lifesaving results for groups such as veterans. Here is what you need to know about the experimental new treatment.

Q: Why did the FDA recently reject MDMA-assisted therapy? 
A: They believe it could be a gateway to harder therapies.

Q: What are the risks of MDMA therapy? 
A: Potential side effects include prolonged and severe optimism about the future. 

Q: What dosage is administered during treatment? 
A: One blue dolphin followed by half a yellow daisy.

Q: Who is MDMA therapy recommended for?
A: Anyone who’s too much of a pussy to just sit down and tell a lady in a scarf that you’re really sad.

Q: What if it’s not covered under my insurance?
A: Venmo or CashApp are fine.

Q: Do the clinical trials ever go on forever? 
A: No, you’ll be okay. Just breathe. 

Q: How does this differ from normal therapy?
A: Regular therapy is not yet decriminalized in multiple states. 

Q: Will it fix the feeling of wanting to have sex with your mom? 
A: It will make the feeling of wanting to have sex with your mom even better.

Q: How can I try MDMA therapy?
A: This guy’s a fucking cop!