What Do You Think?

Controversial rapper Eminem was recently nominated for four Grammys, sparking protest from groups such as GLAAD and NOW, who say his music promotes violence against gays and women. What do you think?

“Eminem should win. On

Marc Andersen • Delivery Driver

“This is a slap in the face to truly deserving nominees like Don Henley, up for Best Male Rock Vocal Performance for ’Workin’ It.’”

Carl Weatherspoon • Investment Banker

“You didn’t hear Jews complaining back in ’89 when Professor Griff won Best Rap Song for ’Wicked Moneylending Vampire Kikes (Killum All).’”

Mel Dixon • Systems Analyst

“Eminem deserves to win after being so badly snubbed at last year’s Tonys.”

Linda Pulliam • Homemaker

“They could end this uproar by creating a separate category like Best Album That Never Should Have Been Recorded Because It Is An Affront To All That Is Decent.”

Benjamin Reese • Carpenter

“It’s a trade-off. On the one hand, you risk alienating conservative Grammy voters, but on the other, the Grammys will actually be watched by people.”

Liz Toffler • Student