
War Talks Begin At Camp Goliath

THURMONT, MD–Unable to reach an accord after two weeks of peace talks at Camp David, Palestinian and Israeli leaders moved to Camp Goliath Monday to begin war talks. “It’s still early in the war process, but we have every reason to be optimistic,” Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak said. “I am fully confident that by week’s end, we will reach an impasse and achieve a state of open hostility between Arabs and Jews.” Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat agreed. “From Palestinian sovereignty in East Jerusalem to the fate of West Bank refugee settlements, there is so much we disagree about,” Arafat said. “The gap between us should not be difficult to widen.” The talks will be brokered by former president Gerald Ford, who won the Nobel War Prize for his role in the 1973 Camp Goliath summit that led to the Yom Kippur War.