
Wall Street's Wild Ride

The Dow and Nasdaq have been extremely volatile of late, plunging one minute and soaring the next. What do you think of all the wild fluctuations on Wall Street?

Ron Burkett • Busboy

“This affects me greatly, as all my money is in the technology sector. Specifically, it’s in the

Ron Burkett • Busboy

Linda Irving • Research Assistant

“So people finally figured out that all that money in Internet stocks is largely imaginary, and that sent the market plummeting? Gee, better not tell them about banks.”

Linda Irving • Research Assistant

Shelley Nunez • Nurse Practitioner

“If we go into another recession, does that mean a bunch of stockbrokers will kill themselves like in the ’80s? Because that was great.”

Shelley Nunez • Nurse Practitioner

Rick Munz • Bartender

“Could I have a different question that I even remotely relate to?”

Rick Munz • Bartender

Melvin Nickerson • Economist

“As an economist, I’ll try my best to put the current Wall Street situation in layman’s terms: Why, look who’s here–it’s silly old Mr. Bear! Grr! Roar! Run, Mr. Bull, run!”

Melvin Nickerson • Economist

Edwin Rousch • Systems Analyst

“The dip was just a brief aberration. In fact, we can look forward to 30, 40 years of steady growth, until the world’s resources are depleted and mankind is plunged into a new Dark Age of abject want and barbarism.”

Edwin Rousch • Systems Analyst