Unpopular Kid Having Trouble Fitting In At Home

SCHAUMBURG, IL—Facing an unending string of emotional, verbal, and physical abuses from his peers, sources confirmed Monday that local youth Nathan Meserole is reportedly having considerable difficulty fitting in at his home.

According to individuals close to the unpopular 14-year-old, Meserole is roundly rejected and ostracized by the other members of his household, mistreatment that regularly escalates into a cycle of mocking and harassment that has, over time, left the teenager in constant fear of what new humiliations await him each new day at home.

“Nathan is an introverted, socially awkward young boy, and the other children at his home constantly prey on him because of this,” said guidance counselor Marlene Spencer, who noted that Nathan clearly dreads spending hours at home every day. “He’s quiet and very shy, and unfortunately, the bigger kids in his house are all too happy to take advantage of his weakness. I really wish there was something I could do for him, but that’s just how home can be sometimes.”

Spencer told reporters that the 14-year-old is widely considered the least popular kid in his entire home and is generally shunned by fellow housemates, who, when not actively ignoring him, regularly bully and taunt their social inferior.

Such persecution, which often consists of name-calling, threats, and a wide range of public humiliations, including locking Nathan in the bathroom and stealing his backpack, frequently develops into episodes of physical violence. The unpopular teen often suffers indignities such as having books knocked out of his hands and being beaten up in the yard after school.

Sources confirmed that these attacks have only added to the difficulty the rejected adolescent faces in attempting to get along with those members of his household who have gone to great lengths to let Nathan know he is not welcome at home.

“He really wants to fit in, but every time he tries to join up with the other kids, they just laugh at him and push him around,” said Nathan’s younger sister Claire, the social outcast’s sole household sympathizer, who noted that her brother routinely eats lunch by himself, far away from the table where the residence’s more popular children hang out. “You can only be tripped in the hallway or have your homework ripped up so many times before you start to give up hope of ever being accepted.”

“I try to be nice, but he’s just so timid and withdrawn that it’s hard to talk to him,” Claire added. “Frankly, I can see why everyone here picks on him so much.”

Compounding Nathan’s difficulties in making it through his hostile home life is the fact that his residence’s authority figures reportedly make little effort to alleviate the harms conferred on him by his peers, either passively facilitating his continuing harassment or neglecting the bullied loner altogether.

“The other day, [older brothers] Adam and Kyle gave Nathan a pink belly underneath the basketball hoop, and when he went to complain, Dad told him he ought to try sticking up for himself for a change,” said Claire. “And sometimes Mom will go an entire week without even looking at him.”

“He really doesn’t stand a chance here,” Claire added.

When asked to comment for this story, Nathan demonstrated that he has long grown weary of the incessant abuses he suffers during his long days at his household, noting that he is eager to leave his residence—and its antagonists—behind for good.

“Home sucks,” he said. “I can’t wait until I turn 18 and never have to see these assholes ever again.”