
United Airlines Offering Immigrants Special Flights That Circle U.S. Awaiting Gaps In Travel Ban

CHICAGO—In response to the executive order restricting entry to the United States from six majority-Muslim nations, United Airlines announced Friday that the carrier will offer immigrants and refugees special flights that continuously circle the country until gaps in the travel ban allow them to land. “We’re excited to offer numerous daily flights from Syria, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, and Sudan to a perpetual holding pattern above the Atlantic Ocean, where international travelers can enjoy a relaxing journey while waiting for a federal court to temporarily suspend the ban,” said United spokesman Karen Jennings, adding that customers attempting to flee their war-torn native countries or just visit their American relatives will be offered onboard meals and a wide array of in-flight entertainment options throughout the voyage up and down the eastern coastline, which may last anywhere from one week to several years depending on the specific terms of the legal challenge to the executive order. “Rest assured, our pilots will be in constant radio contact to keep passengers updated on the appeals process, and each aircraft will stay within 60 miles of a major airport at all times to take advantage of any temporary restraining order with a quick landing.” United officials added that complimentary Wi-Fi would be available for the first month of the flight, but that passengers who wish to continue using the service will be charged $7.99 for each additional hour.