Underprotective Father Demands Daughter Arrive Home By 10 A.M.

NASHVILLE, TN—Local resident Nathan Corbin, 37, has set a strict 10 a.m. curfew for his 16-year-old daughter Kathy, the underbearing father told reporters Tuesday. “Rules are rules—she has to be through the door or at least passed out on the lawn by no later than 10 in the morning on school days,” said Corbin, adding that Kathy is no longer allowed to have more than three boys in her room at one time. “I’ve also warned her on several occasions to keep it down when she comes home because her [14-year-old] brother [Kevin] has usually smoked quite a bit of pot by that time and is asleep on the couch.” Corbin admitted to recent laxness in enforcing his “no stealing more than $35 a week from your stepmother” policy, but defended indulging his daughter, citing the increased cost of cigarettes.