
Unclear Which Beach House Song This Is, Reports Lead Singer Of Beach House

OAKLAND, CA—Midway through her performance of a down-tempo number she described as “sort of pop-y and languid,” Beach House lead vocalist Victoria Legrand reported Friday that it was not at all clear which Beach House song the band is currently playing before a sold-out crowd at the Fox Theater. “It has a lot of really heavy, atmospheric synth, and it definitely sounds familiar, but at this point I couldn’t tell you its name or even which album it’s from,” said Legrand, who added that the song she has been singing for the past four minutes is probably about dreaming, but that she isn’t certain because there’s so much reverb on her voice that she can’t understand any of the lyrics. “Don’t get me wrong, I like this song—I just can’t quite place it. Right now, I’m leaning toward either ‘Troublemaker’ or ‘Lemon Glow.’ Or wait, is this the one the Weeknd sampled? Hopefully it’ll all be clear once we get to the chorus.” At press time, sources confirmed Legrand was pretending to take a picture of the audience while frantically attempting to find the song on Shazam.