Uncle Has Undetonated WWII Grenade He’d Like To Show You

BROOKFIELD, WI—Saying he had purchased the artifact of 20th-century warfare at a steal in an online auction, local uncle Kyle Javorsky reportedly announced this week that he had an undetonated World War II-era grenade he wanted to show you. “You recognize that, right? That’s an Mk 2,” said Javorsky, who reportedly brandished the standard-issue handheld fragmentation grenade, apparently apropos of nothing, in his living room during a commercial break for a Milwaukee Bucks game. “Careful with it. Thing’s 80 years old, and the firing mechanism is pretty sensitive. But pretty cool, right? I knew you’d like it. Just imagine the Krauts who would have gotten theirs with that.” Javorsky added that he also had a ton of Nazi-era NSKOV stick pins down in the basement, if that was your sort of thing.

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