
U.S. Kids Sleep-Deprived

The National Sleep Foundation recently announced that American children are not getting enough sleep. What do you think?

Cynthia Lewis • Tax Preparer

“I wake my son up four times a night for pulled-pork sandwiches and Bible study.”

Cynthia Lewis • Tax Preparer

Steve Green • Fruit Picker

“This doesn’t concern me personally, because I ain’t got no damn kids by no woman on the other side of town.”

Steve Green • Fruit Picker

Virginia Adams • Nutritionist

“It’s no surprise. The obese often have trouble sleeping.”

Virginia Adams • Nutritionist

Frank Gonzalez • Painter

“Parents, use child psychology to eradicate this problem. Tell your son or daughter, ’If you don’t get enough sleep, the monster under your bed will eat you.’”

Frank Gonzalez • Painter

Gregory King • Aerospace Engineer

“You know what else they’re not getting? My goddamn Brandy Old Fashioned, that’s what. You hear me, Tyler?”

Gregory King • Aerospace Engineer

Stephen Harrison • Systems Analyst

“Maybe if they pulled up their damn pants for once, that would, um… Well, it would be a step in the right direction.”

Stephen Harrison • Systems Analyst