
U.S. And Canada Reach Deal To Replace NAFTA

Touting it as a “historic new dawn,” President Trump announced the USMCA, a replacement for NAFTA that updates intellectual property requirements and opens U.S. access to the Canadian dairy market, amongst other changes. What do you think?

Fred Tompkins • Lasso Knotter

“Remember when all government ne

Fred Tompkins • Lasso Knotter

Drew Philips • Dust Identifier

“See, I always knew Trump would make good on his campaign promise to increase access to the Canadian dairy market.”

Drew Philips • Dust Identifier

Rebecca Stalwurst • Nickel-And-Dimer

“I’m all for anything the president does that either improves or worsens our relationships with other countries.”

Rebecca Stalwurst • Nickel-And-Dimer