Tyler Hansbrough Staying In School To Take This One Awesome Philosophy Class

CHAPEL HILL, NC—University of North Carolina forward Tyler Hansbrough told reporters yesterday that his decision to forgo the NBA Draft and return for his senior year stems from a desire to “take this one awesome philosophy class that is, like, only offered in the fall [semester], I think.” The class, PHIL 740: Philosophy of the Mind, is reportedly taught by Professor David Hartz, who Hansbrough described as “like the coolest guy in the world especially because the only grade is just this one big paper at the end [of the term], and he doesn’t even take attendance.” “He’s like super smart and he makes you think completely differently about your perspectives on stuff, which is awesome,” said Hansbrough, adding that he is going to read all the books and everything. “And my girlfriend is taking it too, so it should be pretty sweet.” Hansbrough denied allegations that he is staying in school because his socio-economic background allows himself the freedom to have fun and not worry about the welfare of his family.