
Turning Point USA Condemns UNLV Student For Filming Racist Video In Portrait Mode

PHOENIX—Swiftly responding to a leaked video they called “incongruent with their core values,” conservative activist group Turning Point USA issued a statement Friday condemning a University Of Nevada, Las Vegas chapter student for filming a racist viral video in portrait mode. “With hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding from GOP mega-donors, there is absolutely no excuse for one of our members to be filmed shouting ‘White power!’ in a shaky cellphone video when there is plenty of professional recording equipment available for use,” said Executive Director Charlie Kirk, who denounced the student’s choice to capture the racist tirade in portrait mode rather than landscape mode, failing to meet the high standards Turning Point USA holds for all members’ distributed hate speech. “In no way do the abhorrent production values expressed in this racist video represent what our organization stands for. When we produce white supremacist content, we do so in high definition to provide viewers with a crystal-clear, 4K image of our white skin. We hope this serves as a reminder to all of our members that if you’re going to call for the decimation of the black race, use a high-quality microphone so that we can hear you yell the N-word clearly.” Kirk also expressed disappointment that the member shared a racist video without including the official Turning Point USA watermark.