
Trump Suggests Arresting Adam Schiff For Treason

Amidst escalating tensions from an impeachment inquiry looking into the president’s behavior, Donald Trump suggested House Intelligence Committee Representative Adam B. Schiff should be arrested for treason for his description of a phone call Mr. Trump had with the president of Ukraine during a recent congressional hearing. What do you think?

Rudy Levine • Museum Docent

“If the president isn’t above w

Rudy Levine • Museum Docent

Maura Hanson • Beef Grader

“As if Schiff would ever allow himself to be taken alive.”

Maura Hanson • Beef Grader

Eric Thompson • Spoon Shaper

“This just cheapens the efforts of hardworking Americans who break their backs every day to actually undermine our nation’s sovereignty.”

Eric Thompson • Spoon Shaper