Trump Agrees To Wear Wire To Take Down Roger Stone

WASHINGTON—Vowing to do whatever he could to help Special Counsel Robert Mueller investigate the campaign consultant’s role in 2016 election interference, President Trump reportedly agreed Wednesday to wear a wire to take down Roger Stone. “I’ve known Roger for years, but it’s time to put my country first and do anything I can to take this guy down,” said Trump as Mueller’s aides taped a wire to his chest, after which he agreed to let the special counsel bug his phone to listen in on future conversations that could provide evidence conclusively tying Stone to contacts from WikiLeaks and Russia who were trying to subvert the election. “I know I can get Roger to talk—give me an hour alone in a room with him and I’ll have all the damning evidence on tape, and then we can finally get this menace behind bars. I’m an American first and foremost, and if I can help undo any of the damage he’s done to this country, I’ll do it, even if it means recording Stone without his knowledge and lying to his face.” In addition to his desire to serve his country, Trump was also reportedly convinced to wear a wire by Mueller’s promise that any charges against him would be dropped.