
Tourism In The Tsunami's Wake

While some travelers cancelled vacations to tsunami-stricken countries, others say that tourism is important for rebuilding the area’s economy. What do you think?

Carla Sparks • Chef

“How can Thailand expect people like me to visit? What am I—made of

Carla Sparks • Chef

Gordan Rami • Repairman

“I’ll bet the tourism drop-off would be reversed if the Western media would shift its focus to more positive coverage of tsunamis.”

Gordan Rami • Repairman

Brenda Ellis-Lee • Salesperson

“Well, I was going to visit the Greek ruins, but I might as well go where the ruins are still fresh.”

Brenda Ellis-Lee • Salesperson

Joe Callister • Cashier

“I’ll still take my annual vacation in Sri Lanka, but I’m going to be nice to everyone for a change.”

Joe Callister • Cashier

Tyler Wilson • Systems Analyst

“Whoa. Talk about the very definition of guilt trip.”

Tyler Wilson • Systems Analyst

Toby Leiffert • Teacher

“It’s time for the healing process to begin. Resident of Sumatra, another Mai Tai, please.”

Toby Leiffert • Teacher