Tony Romo Notices Star On Cowboys Helmet For First Time

DALLAS—Entering his 11th season with the franchise, Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo reportedly noticed the star on the Cowboys helmet for the first time Tuesday, excitedly pointing out the logo to his teammates and coaches. “Whoa, look at that, it’s a star like the kind they have in the sky,” said Romo, who acknowledged that he couldn’t see the star on his helmet while wearing the protective equipment. “Wait a second, is there one on the other side? Or is that the same star and it just jumps back and forth? There’s so much stuff you don’t ever see unless you look really close. There’s all these letter things on the back of our jerseys, and mine has an upside-down six.” Romo also told reporters that the star appeared similar to “the one in the middle of the field” that he had found last week.