
Tobacco Company Liability

In a landmark case last week, a federal judge ruled that cigarette manufacturer R.J. Reynolds is not liable in the lung-cancer death of a longtime smoker. What do you think?

Steve Rydell • Painter

“The ones they ought to be going after are the bastards who make the matches.”

Steve Rydell • Painter

Vicki Otterman • Secretary

“I, personally, would like to

Vicki Otterman • Secretary

Lisa Winters • Biologist

“It would be different if someone had made it perfectly clear that smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and may complicate pregnancy.”

Lisa Winters • Biologist

Chris Saxon • Tuba Player

“My dad died of loneliness. If only there was one person, just one single, solitary person that I could sue.”

Chris Saxon • Tuba Player

Timothy Kolkos • Firefighter

“Life’s too short for hate. Instead, let’s think about all the good things the tobacco companies have done.”

Timothy Kolkos • Firefighter

Randy Ordonez • Systems Analyst

“The cigarette companies should all be found liable and made to pay. Except for Virginia Slims—they were just doing their part for women’s rights.”

Randy Ordonez • Systems Analyst