Tips For Growing Your TikTok Following

Despite its looming U.S. ban, TikTok continues to grow in popularity, with over 1 billion active monthly users across the globe. The Onion shares tips for growing your follower count on the social media platform. 

  • Stay on top of new viral trends by subscribing to print editions of Harper’s BazaarSmithsonian Magazine, and The Christian Science Monitor
  • Upload your content during one of the 20 hours a day the average user is active on TikTok. 
  • Either get really hot or singularly hideous.
  • Did you see that thing where they slice watermelon with a Pringles can and then have like a long tube of watermelon? Maybe invent something like that.
  • Never hurts to get those feet in the shot.
  • Don’t be too bashful. Share that home remedy for cancer you discovered.
  • Content praising the unmatchable beauty of the Chinese countryside tends to perform well.
  • If you’re going to exploit your childhood trauma, at least drag it out over a multipart series.
  • Bribe the TikTok algorithm with a big, juicy digital steak.
  • Post your apology videos consistently.