Tip Of Area Man’s Tongue Refuses To Relinquish Richard Crenna’s Name

MINNEAPOLIS, MN—Despite the best efforts of area resident Guy Reid, the tip of Reid’s tongue remained steadfast Tuesday in its refusal to relinquish the name of veteran film and television actor Richard Crenna. “It’s driving me crazy, it’s right on the tip of my tongue,” Reid, 29, said. “I can totally picture him—he’s been in a whole bunch of stuff. He played that one commander guy in the Rambo movies, and I’m almost positive he was also in that movie with Matt Dillon where they’re at the beach club. Robert… Raymond… Damn!” It is not known whether Reid’s tongue will relinquish the name any time soon. The tongue has previously withheld the names Hector Elizondo, Mark Linn-Baker and Ben Gazzara.