Tinder Red Flags, Secret Families, And More: This Week In Local News November 26, 2023

CEO Improves Company’s Morale By Sharing Intimate Descriptions Of Summer Home Renovations

The Onion

Biggest Red Flags On Men’s Tinder Profiles

The Onion

Family, Secret Family Really Hitting It Off

The Onion

Report: Rest Of Family Doing Turkey Trot If You’re Done With Your Little Pity Party

The Onion

Loud Man Not Even Drunk

The Onion

Woman Still Wearing Mask On Plane Must Have Inside Information About Next Pandemic

The Onion

Area Man Can Only Learn New Things If Encouraged By Promise Of Earning Cartoon Gems

The Onion

Right-Wing Parents Try To Define ‘Grooming’

The Onion

Tips For Displaying Artwork In Your Home

The Onion

Dad Spends Most Of Phone Call Praising New Bucket

The Onion

Sample front page of The Onion's DNC paper